Welcome to the discussion thread for Cash Flow Funding. This firm is not listed on Propfirmmatch.com, but the forum is open for conversations about it.
For those familiar with this firm, you may know about their CFF Coin. These coins can be collected daily on their website or purchased. They can be used to buy accounts or mitigate drawdown (e.g., if you are at a 5% drawdown, you can use the coins to offset it fully or partially).
I acquired an account using CFF points and successfully passed Phase 1. However, while trading in Phase 2, Cash Flow Funding canceled accounts purchased with CFF coins. Around the same time, there were other issues, including denied payouts.
Additionally, CFF has closed the comment section on their tweets, possibly to prevent traders from sharing their complaints and experiences.
Be aware of these issues and conduct thorough due diligence before using any of their services.