When it comes to position sizing, do you Keep it consistent for every trade, or adjust size based on other factors?

When it comes to position sizing, do you

Keep it consistent for every trade,
or adjust size based on other factors?

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Sometimes you can adjust according to market price moving in your favor

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I personally keep the same size for every trade, but my mentor has some teachings on adjusting the size according to the checklist for every trade.

My checklist, for example, follows items like volume, 4H Support & Resistance zones, pattern formation, Moving Averages and others. The more of those items are confirmed for a trade, the more likely it is to go in my favor, and the higher the risk I should take since the reward happens more often than not. However, I am still in the process of adjusting the size, but I find this concept very interesting.

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What matters is that you push it, when having a winner or string of winners and reduce it, when losing or having string of losers

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Adjust based on the increase/decrease of volume.

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Depend on winning and losing streak

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