If we gave you $100, would you rather:

A. Buy a $10k FT Challenge and get funded.

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Don’t have to give money give me challenge instead

We work to improve trading with using profirm.


Yes i can grow account to give this opportunity your new partner Shree?
Thank for read it.


We starting to 10% of capital per trade and 2%of stoploss or 6-8# profit target.
Thank for read it.


The second option looks right. As if have skills to pass the evaluation and get funded. It will be more logical to manage risk on the funded account rather than 100$ in broker account. I can make more than 100% return on my investment through funded account. So in my opinion second option looks great.

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pay a challenge from prop firm and trading with it

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Clearly buy a $10k FT challenge, pass it, scale up and purchase more accounts.

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I will use the money to buy FT propfirm account and trade it

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Buy a $10k FT Challenge and get funded

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surely I will go for 10k challenge

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you should try with prop firn with 100 bucks it will be good idea

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definitely buy an account and also scale from there. i really wish to get an account

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