Instant accounts or accounts that are in the top 30% in terms of cost for their size are not eligible for selection.
I am wondering. What does this even mean? If I can select it, does that mean I am able to get the account? Need more information for this. Anyone have any experience.
Looking to redeem a Free FTMO account.
Instant accounts: Instant accounts bypass phases 1 and 2, immediately entering the funded stage upon purchase. However, they are typically expensive. For instance, a 5K instant account usually costs over $200, whereas a phase 1 or phase 2 account generally costs below $60.
If you aim to redeem a 2-phase 5K account, you cannot select from the most expensive accounts. For example, on Prop Firm Match, the priciest 2-phase 5K account costs $89. You can only redeem accounts priced below 30% of this highest cost.
Calculating this: 89×70/100=62.3
Thus, you can only redeem a 5K account priced at 62.3 or lower.
But remember that you can utilize offers that are valid on Prop Firm Match and at the moment the most attractive offer is “Get 1 free account of the same size if you get to payout” If you consider this exclusive offer while selecting a preferred prop firm, such as using a 5K account, all firms offering this promotion have prices below the threshold (accounts within the top 30% in cost for their size are ineligible for selection).
I hope I this answers your question on account redemption.
Have a blessed weekend
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